From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Thursday, 10 March 2016 8:32:55pm
Subject:Small but useful tweak for your HarmonySite

Dear HarmonySite Administrator,


We've just released a small but useful tweak for your HarmonySite software...


As you know, the system tracks the relationship between each of your members with each of your ensembles (choirs, choruses, quartets, etc).  These relationships are called "participations".  If the person is a singer, these participations are usually characterised as "Bass", "Tenor", etc.  But there are some members for whom this "voice part" characterisation does not apply, such as music directors, choreographers, coaches, etc.  For THOSE members, the only option you had was to tick a box called "Director, coach, choreographer, etc".  And then you ended up with a screen that looked like this...


Now, with this new change, it is possible to NAME the role that the member has within your ensemble.  You can type in whatever you want.  You might type in "Coach" or "Music Director" - and whatever you type in will be reflected in the spot above.


Further, the text you type in is also reflected in the Attendance/Availability system - it appears next to each member's name in the Attendance lists.


For now, anyone that had the original "Director, coach, choreographer, etc" tick-box ticked, their participation record has been adjusted so that the words "Director, coach, choreographer, etc" have been put into the new text-box.  I recommend that you edit that text ASAP for each such member, and put in their actual role (hopefully you only have one or two).



